Sky Burial, by Blake Kerr, photos by John Ackerly, foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama, intro. by Heinrich Harrer. Paperback. This is a riveting, first-hand account of the turmoil which has been going on for many years in Tibet, by Blake Kerr, an American doctor who inadvertently walked into one of the grimmest scenes of political oppression in the world. Blake Kerr was visiting Tibet with his old college friend, John Ackerly. They were enjoying the sights and sounds of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and hitch-hiking to Everest, where they "lumped loads" for an American expedition assaulting the mountain. Upon returning to Lhasa, Kerr and Acekerly witnessed a series of demonstrations by Tibetan monks greater than anything witnessed by foreigners since China entered Tibet in 1949, and experienced the brutality of the Chinese armed forces as well as the courageous resistance of the Tibetan People.